Thursday, August 28, 2008


I guess it would help if I gave you a better idea of what I'm doing! So, here's what's going on. Right now all of my stuff is in boxes at my mom's house in Lowell, IN. But, I'm taking classes in Indianapolis, Indiana and the plan is to find a job and apartment there in Indy while taking classes.
So far no apartment, thankfully my brother and sister-in-law are letting me live with them when I need to. And as far as the job, well, I haven't been so diligent with that because I'm still trying to decide between working at a hospital or clinic.
My master's program is in Community Health Nursing with a focus in Primary Care. In the back of my mind I'm wondering about just finishing my Family Nurse Practitioner while I'm at it because I'll be pretty close. In my current program I"ll graduate in Dec. 2009 - so just another year and a half to go!!!
The class structure for this program is a little different than normal and we only meet for one very intense weekend once a month, and then there is lots of homework to do in between classes. I'm also taking a online Pharmacology class which requires weekly assignments, reading, and quizzes. I did take a job as a Teaching Assistant for an undergrad Research Class taught by the Dean of Nursing at IUPUI. I will have to be on campus every Tues. afternoon to help out with that class - but it only ends up being about 4 hours a week.
So, for example this past week I went to Indy on Thurs. and stayed there until Wed. and then came back to Lowell and will be here for a couple days, and then will be back in Indy on Tues. I guess instead of paying rent I'll be paying that in gas for my car =(
So, some fun things about Indy:
-campus is only blocks away from Downtown
-there is a beautiful canal running between Downtown and the campus
-there are at least 3 large hospitals across the street from campus
-there is lots of green space, trees, and parks
-no Chicago traffic
-I have family and some good friends from college that live there
-cost of living is cheaper than Chicago
I'm looking forward to learning more about the city and starting to get settled there!
Once I have a place to live you are invited to come visit me =)

Here is a photo from a section of the canal looking toward Downtown:

and a pretty fountain on the canal:

1 comment:

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

Busy girl as always! Indy is a great city. We always mean to spend more time there maybe we will now that you are there! :)