I have struggled with the idea of having to raise support for this trip so soon after coming home from Togo. However, I realize from my time in Togo that it's not only about asking for you to support me financially, I also need your prayers and encouragement along the way, because while I can be the one to make the journey, I can't make the journey alone!!!
TEAM would like to see money starting to come into my account as I am looking towards the purchase of my plane tickets this week. Because of that, I wanted to send out a quick update and info on how you would be able to make donations if you feel that is how you can join me on this journey!
It will be around $3,000.00, the cost may be a little more or less depending on final ticket prices!
The organization I'll be traveling with is TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission),
Website: https://team.org/
My account number with them is: 011093.
You may not see my full name associated with the account, because of some rules associated with Nepal.
To make a donation online or for more info, here is the website about donations:
***Please be aware that the credit card company takes 3.2% for their fees.
To make a donation by mail:
Please make your check payable to TEAM or The Evangelical Alliance Mission and mail to:
TEAM Stewardship Department
PO Box 969
Wheaton, IL 60187-0969
PO Box 969
Wheaton, IL 60187-0969
*Include a note stating the following: Amie Bockstahler, Account #: 011093, and the
amount you are giving.
Thank You . . . Gracias . . . Merci . . . Akpe . . . Dhanyabaad,
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