Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I spy from the rooftop . . .

***Volcanos and mountains in all directions with 
beautiful sunrises (rarely am I awake for these) and sunsets

***Clothes hanging out to dry . . . which I've been surprisingly amazed by the number of men out hanging up and collecting the laundry!!!

***Neighbors cooking over open flames on their rooftops

***Neighbors taking baths on their rooftops =(

***Homeless men who are drunk or high trying to get dressed in the streets =(

***People using a pay phone . . . remember those ;)

***Kids playing soccer in the streets

***The start/finish line of a 10K race

***Beautiful flowers

***Awesome displays of lightening as storm clouds roll in

***The vultures flying over the garbage dump

My neighborhood - still trying to grasp that!  I live here.  This is my home now.  These are my neighbors and this is my neighborhood.  I love the rooftop and I'm so thankful that I have access to one!!!  Although as I look out over the neighborhood it is often with great tension that I do so.  I love the beauty that I see, but I hate the signs of poverty and despair.  Thankful that I can trust the promise from the Lord that He gives hope to the hopeless!!!!